Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.-
• The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
• The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format.
• The instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed. The submission is de-identified, that is author information, affiliation details and references to the author’s works have been removed.
• DOI (if assigned) or URLs (where relevant) for references have been provided.
• The text and formatting adhere to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines including all details for in-text citations and references.
• The submission has a high standard of written English. Please note that the submission will be returned to you after an initial review by an editor if the standard of written English is not of a suitable quality.
• This is a new submission, not a revised version of a manuscript already under review within AppTrans.
• A statement about the ethics issues relevant to the research and approvals under which the data was collected and reported has been included in the Methods section. It is expected that there will be a statement for all articles that include data collected from or about humans. This requirement may not be relevant for some articles such as literature reviews.
• Ensure when submitting your paper that you include all authors in the system. When you add your authorship details there is an option to "add author". In addition, for each author please include their ORCID which will ensure that if your paper is published it will be associated with your online profiles. Note - if you fail to include all authors at the outset you risk your paper not being published even if it is deemed worthy by the reviewers.
Author Guidelines
There is no charge or fee to authors for article submission or processing and the journal routinely screen article submissions for plagiarism.
Interested in submitting to this journal? We recommend that you review the About the Journal page for the journal's section policies, as well as the Author Guidelines. Authors need to register with the journal prior to submitting or, if already registered, can simply log in and begin the five-step process. The manuscript also can directly send to
The personal data you enter to create your account will only be used for the stated purpose of the journal. All contributions are accepted on the understanding that they are the original work of the author(s) and will be checked on the iThenticate plagiarism detection software. The editorial team of AppTrans reserve the right to edit contributions, for both content and style. You must be registered as an Author before you can submit an article to AppTrans. If you are already registered as a Reader, but not as an Author, you need to login and upgrade your status by selecting the Author check-box. Once you have completed this step and are logged in, a New Submission link becomes visible on the User Home page.
If you have any problems with registration please contact us.
Publishing Ethics
- Please read our information on Publishing Ethics prior to your submission.
AppTrans Sections
- Research articles (up to 8,500 words) in the field of linguistics and languages concern with translation studies;
- Article Reviews (up to 1,500 words);
- Book Reviews (up to 1,500 words);
- Please make a submission here or contact the Editors to explore the opportunities listed above.
Instructions for Authors / Contributors
General guidelines
Articles submitted to Applied Translation should represent outstanding scholarship and make original contributions to the field. The Editors will assume that an article submitted for their consideration has not previously been published and is not being considered for publication elsewhere, either in the submitted form or in a modified version.
Articles must be written in English and not include libelous or defamatory material. Manuscripts accepted for publication should not exceed 8,500 words including all material for publication in the online version of the article, except for the abstract, which should be no longer than 200 words. Additional material can be made available in the online version of the article.
Applied Translation operates a double-blind peer-review process. To facilitate this process, authors are requested to ensure that all submissions, whether first or revised versions are anonymized. Authors' names and institutional affiliations should appear only on a detachable cover letter. Author's name(s) should be substituted by 'author' throughout the paper, e.g. in references to the author's own work. Submitted manuscripts will not normally be returned.
Manuscripts should be written in English and must be submitted online through our Online Submission Website.
Full Instructions. Once you have prepared your manuscript according to the instructions please visit the online submission website.
Articles should be original and should not include libelous or defamatory material.
Each contributor should provide a brief biodata of about 90 words listing main interests, recent publications, and a contact address. Email address is optional and the Corresponding Email is Mandatory. The biodata should also be included on the manuscript with author's details.
If your article contains extracts from other works, especially Figures, Tables, etc., please contact the authors and publishers before submitting the final version to seek permission to use their work. If primary data is to be included, research participants should have signed a consent form.
All contributors whose articles are accepted for publication will be required to sign a copyright assignment form, and to confirm that their article is original, accurate (in as much as can be ascertained in research), and does not include any libelous statements. Please download the AppTrans guide for authors.
Forum pieces are usually reviewed by the Reviews and Forum Editor and are not sent for external review. Items for the Forum section are normally no longer than 2,000 words. Contributions to the Forum section and offers to review book publications should be addressed to the Forum and Reviews Editor.
They may consist of comments, statements on current issues, short reports on ongoing research (but NOT abstracts), or short replies to other articles.
Book and Article Reviews
The journal publishes reviews of books relevant to the field of applied Translation are normally no longer than 1,500 words. If you would like to review a book for Applied Translation, please contact the Reviews Editor at the address below. Unsolicited book reviews are not accepted for publication.
Special Applied Translation
The editors of Applied Translation solicit special issues for the publication. One special issue is published only once per year.
Reference lists should be in American Psychological Association (APA) referencing style for Books and Articles. More details for latest edition...
Suryasa, W. (2019). Transfer of English emotive words into Indonesian on kṛṣṇa text. Applied Translation, 13(1), 1–8.
Wilson, C. (2019). The translation applied in intersemiotic study. Applied Translation, 13(1), 9–15.
Hoang, J. (2019). Translation technique term and semantics. Applied Translation, 13(1), 16–25.
Jancowicz-Pitel, D. (2019). Translator and translation research: general descriptions of concepts. Applied Translation, 13(1), 26–31.
Lefebure, C. (2019). Translating letters: criticism as a perspective for a translator. Applied Translation, 13(1), 32–39.
Rietveld, L., & Hormelen, F. V. (2019). Use of vocabulary translation strategies: A semantic translation analysis. Applied Translation, 13(2), 1–7.
Len, W., & Hoang, R. (2019). Problem towards local language translation in artificial neural networks. Applied Translation, 13(2), 8–15.
Groce, M., & Hoodkinson, T. M. (2019). Translation in slang based on the translator of ideology: critical discourse analysis. Applied Translation, 13(2), 16–23.
Berryter, V. L. (2019). Translation strategy for nominal phrases: analysis of morphosemantic errors. Applied Translation, 13(2), 24–30.
Riecher, V. (2019). Literal translation: A study with several translation techniques to get a good translation result. Applied Translation, 13(2), 31–37.
Azazzi, E. (2020). Translation ideology: a case study of pronouns. Applied Translation, 14(1), 1–7.
Mikoladze, D. L. (2020). Translation strategies in English to Persian. Applied Translation, 14(1), 8–15.
Filladsen, J., & Jordenzen, P. (2020). Translation based on cultural aspect: a study regarding how translating text different traditional in two countries. Applied Translation, 14(1), 16–22.
Vamat, T., & Madarulzaman, S. (2020). Translation of imperative sentences and its mistakes: strategy analysis in pragmatic studies. Applied Translation, 14(1), 23–28.
Plyth, P. S., & Craham, C. P. (2020). Translation affects literary and cultural systems: how to observe the features of translation?. Applied Translation, 14(1), 29–37.
Volf, P. (2020). Translation techniques as a method for describing the results and classifying the types of translation solutions. Applied Translation, 14(2), 1–7.
Zepedda, A. E. P. (2020). Procedure of translation, transliteration and transcription. Applied Translation, 14(2), 8–13.
Ryan, A. (2020). The ideology of translation vs translation procedures. Applied Translation, 14(2), 14–20.
McDonald, S. V. (2020). Accuracy, readability, and acceptability in translation. Applied Translation, 14(2), 21–29.
Zag, V. (2020). Translation equivalent but different, impossible but necessary, interlingual or intercultural: conceptualizing translation. Applied Translation, 14(2), 30–36.
Jackman, H. (2020). The online computer-assisted translation class getting faster target language. Applied Translation, 15(1), 1–9.
Kane, V. L. (2020). Interpretation and machine translation towards google translate as a part of machine translation and teaching translation. Applied Translation, 15(1), 10–17.
Zavolzi, A. (2021). Translation professions involving mental capacity to learn lexical, structural, semantic, stylistic, pragmatic. Applied Translation, 15(1), 18–27.
Woang, J. P. (2021). Translation activities on oral translation and written translation. Applied Translation, 15(1), 28–38.
Zu, Z. (2021). The right contextual information determining the success of communication on translation. Applied Translation, 15(1), 39–43.
Figures and Tables: Where a Figure or Table is to be inserted in the text, on a separate line write
Figure and Table
The Tables and Figures themselves should be inserted at the body of the article, or in a separate file. Each Figure and Table should be clearly labelled with number and caption. They should be numbered Figure 1, Figure 2, Table 1, Table 2, etc.
Headings: No more than two levels of heading below the title. Headings should not be numbered.
Inverted commas: Use single quotes except for quotations within quotations.
Notes: endnotes not footnotes. Number using Arabic numerals.
Oxford comma (serial comma): insert in a series: 'this, that, and/or something else'.
Paragraphs: No line space should be left between paragraphs. The first line of new paragraphs should be justified with align left no tab, straight after a heading. Do not use a hard return at the end of a line in running text, except at the end of a paragraph.
Quotations from other works should not be put in the central body paper but any inaccuracies or inconsistencies should be queried. Quotations of more than three lines should be displayed and indented. Check that page numbers of the source have been provided.
Spaces between words or after full points and colons: should be a single word space with 0 pt.
Spelling: British or American English: the author should state which. Check for consistency. A hyphen can be used. Endings: use -ize endings where allowed, even in British English.
Supplementary Data: Only directly relevant material should be included in the full text of manuscripts. Supporting materials and Appendices which are not essential for inclusion in the full text, may be published as online-only Supplementary Data. This should be submitted for review, in a separate file or files from the manuscript. Most common file formats may be used: .doc; .ppt. .xls; .tif; jpg. The authors should ensure that the Supplementary Data is referred to in the main manuscript at an appropriate point in the text. It cannot be altered or replaced after the paper has been accepted for publication.
Third-Party Content in Open Access papers
Your paper will be published under an Open Access license if it contains material for which you do not have Open Access re-use permissions, please state this clearly by supplying the following credit line alongside the material:
Title of content; author; original publication; year of original publication; by permission of [rights holder].
This image/content is not covered by the terms of the Creative Commons licence of this publication. For permission to reuse, please contact the rights holder.
Electronic Manuscripts
Applied Translation has an electronic style sheet as some journals do.
Hyphenation and justification: turn off.
Line numbers: include line numbers in your submission.
Page breaks Do not insert page breaks in the text. Do not insert extra spacing to avoid widows or orphans: page breaks will be different in the typeset proofs.
Proofread and spell check your work when you have finished.
Software: Please let us know which word-processing software you are using. Please do not convert files to ASCII-it is easier for us to convert from a word-processing program, and any formatting will be lost.
Make a back-up of all your work!
If you detect any virus on your machine, please inform all your AppTrans contacts immediately with full details.
Proofs will be sent to the author for correction and should be returned to Applied Translation by the deadline given.
Open Access License at AppTrans
Applied Translation is loyal to open access for academic work, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and to use them for any other lawful purpose. All the articles published in this journal are free to access immediately from the date of publication. We do not charge any fees for any reader to download articles for their own scholarly use.
Applied Translation operates under the Creative Commons Licence CC-BY. This allows for the reproduction of articles, free of charge, for non-commercial use only and with the appropriate citation information. All authors publishing with Applied Translation accept these as the terms of publication.
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Material published in AppTrans is done so under a CC BY - 4.0 licence, with copyright remaining with the author.
- Articles published online in AppTrans cannot be published in another journal without the explicit approval of the AppTrans Editors;
- Authors can 'self-archive' their articles in digital form on their personal homepages, funder repositories or their institutions' archives provided that they link back to the original source on the AppTrans website. Authors can archive pre-print, post-print or the publisher's version of their work.
- Authors agree that submitted articles to AppTrans will be submitted to various abstracting, indexing and archiving services as selected by AppTrans.
Copyright (c) The Author(s). Acceptance of an author's copyright material is on the understanding that it has been assigned to the Applied Translation subject to the following conditions. Authors are free to use their articles in subsequent publications written or edited by themselves, provided that acknowledgment is made of Applied Translation as the place of original publication. Except for brief extracts, the Applied Translation will not give permission to a third party to reproduce material from an article unless two months have elapsed without a response from the authors after the relevant application has been made to them. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission to reproduce extracts, figures, or tables from other works.
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Please note that by submitting an article for publication you confirm that you are the corresponding/submitting author and that Applied Translation may retain your email address for the purpose of communicating with you about the article. You agree to notify AppTrans immediately if your details change. If your article is accepted for publication, the editorial office will contact you using the email address you have used in the registration process. Please note that the copyright license does not retain copies of rejected articles.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party. Registered users will receive notifications about submission or review processes in which they are involved and emails related to their role in the processes. Articles will be published with a correspondence email address for the corresponding author.