Transfer of English emotive words into Indonesian on kṛṣṇa text
domestication, foreignization, ideology, mappingAbstract
This study aims to identify procedures and methods of translation. This study also explains the translation ideology that is applied to the transfer of English emotive words into Indonesian found in the Kṛṣṇa text. The last analysis is emotive words mapping in the Target Language. Observation methods are applied in collecting data through carefully reading the studied text and looking at sentences containing the emotive words. Data collection in this study uses qualitative techniques. The results of the analysis have been identified. There are three translation procedures applied in this study. The direct translation applied is borrowing; indirect translation applied includes transposition and modulation. The translation method applied has a tendency to choose communicative method. The communicative method is more oriented to the target language culture by applying domestication ideology. This research proves that translation and semantics are very related and mutually supportive in analyzing emotional words, especially the MSA analysis that is able to describe significant contributions about understanding in the lexicon studied. Therefore, in this case, it is not just to look for equivalence, but also how to convey the cognition scenario and its effects in the translation results; and all that can be done with MSA theory.
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