The online computer-assisted translation class getting faster target language
CAT, course platforms, software functions, target language, technology, translation classAbstract
Computer-assisted translation technology is complex and, in many cases, intimidating for students new to CAT software. Thus, CAT technology is best taught using a step-by-step approach with exercises first focusing on the basic features and then on more elaborate software functions (scaffolding). The goal is to equip students with the step-by-step instructions and screencast tutorials needed to complete exercises. Students gain further software experience by working on a larger text of their choice throughout the semester. They first prepare and format this source text for CAT tool use, and they then build a termbase and translate the source text into their target language. Finally, students write two essays reflecting on the advantages and disadvantages of using CAT software for producing their target texts. Translation students must be aware of the context in which translation memory tools are used and the impact that their use has on the translation itself.
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